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Gotmic发布W BAND +23dBm PA

时间:2022-11-04   访问量:1258

Gotmic发布W BAND +23dBm PA

2016-2-24 17:10:25 1546次浏览 分类:新闻中心

今日Gotmic发布了一款92-96GHz的PA,P1=+22dBm, 饱和输出+23dBm。

目前已经可以供应,更多信息可以联系我们:021-5291 8556.


 22/23 dBm P1dB/PSAT
 W-band coverage
 High voltage operation
 20 dB gain

Typical applications
 94 GHz radar
 Active imaging
 Instrumentation
 Fiber over radio

gAPZ0044 is a power amplifier in the
92-96 GHz frequency band suitable for
radar, instrumentation, and radio
applications. The PA’s output stage has
four parallel stacked HEMTs to
increase output power. This allow high
voltage operation while limiting the
maximum current. The PA has high
gain, low input/output return loss and
flat gain response.

上一篇:上海馥莱电子参加2016EDI CON

下一篇:公司参加EDI CON 2016,展位611