
Microwave Dynamics

时间:2022-11-24   访问量:1100

Microwave Dynamics’ core product line features low noise, ultra-stable and highly reliable Phase Locked Oscillators (PLO) and Free Running Dielectric Resonator Oscillators (DRO). The ultra-stable, fixed frequency make the PLDRO series ideal for cable TV microwave links, weather radar, digital radio receivers, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), transmitters, receivers, and a host of military related applications. We encourage you to take a closer look at our product datasheets and request a quote for standard or customized specifications.

Download MD 2018 Product Catalog

Producs Including:
1. Oscillators
Free Runnding Oscillators
Phase-Locked Oscillators

2. Amplifiers
Power Amplifier(Bench Top)
Low Noise Amplifier
Medium Power Amplifier
High Power Amplifier

3. Up-Converters and Down-Converters
Up Converters
Down Conveters
BUC/BDC(LO-mix series)

4. Multipliers

5. Sub-Assemblies

上一篇:RF Bay Inc
